Iterative Data Write

This example demonstrate how to iteratively write data arrays with applications to writing large arrays without loading all data into memory and streaming data write.


What is Iterative Data Write?

In the typical write process, datasets are created and written as a whole. In contrast, iterative data write refers to the writing of the contents of a dataset in an incremental, iterative fashion.

Why Iterative Data Write?

The possible applications for iterative data write are broad. Here we list a few typical applications for iterative data write in practice.

  • Large data arrays A central challenge when dealing with large data arrays is that it is often not feasible to load all of the data into memory. Using an iterative data write process allows us to avoid this problem by writing the data one-subblock-at-a-time, so that we only need to hold a small subset of the array in memory at any given time.

  • Data streaming In the context of streaming data we are faced with several issues: 1) data is not available in-memory but arrives in subblocks as the stream progresses 2) caching the data of a stream in-memory is often prohibitively expensive and volatile 3) the total size of the data is often unknown ahead of time. Iterative data write allows us to address issues 1) and 2) by enabling us to save data to a file incrementally as it arrives from the data stream. Issue 3) is addressed in the HDF5 storage backend via support for chunking, enabling the creation of resizable arrays.

    • Data generators Data generators are in many ways similar to data streams only that the data is typically being generated locally and programmatically rather than from an external data source.

  • Sparse data arrays In order to reduce storage size of sparse arrays a challenge is that while the data array (e.g., a matrix) may be large, only a few values are set. To avoid storage overhead for storing the full array we can employ (in HDF5) a combination of chunking, compression, and and iterative data write to significantly reduce storage cost for sparse data.

Iterating Over Data Arrays

In PyNWB the process of iterating over large data arrays is implemented via the concept of DataChunk and AbstractDataChunkIterator.

  • DataChunk is a simple data structure used to describe a subset of a larger data array (i.e., a data chunk), consisting of:

    • : the array with the data value(s) of the chunk and

    • DataChunk.selection : the NumPy index tuple describing the location of the chunk in the whole array.

  • AbstractDataChunkIterator then defines a class for iterating over large data arrays one-DataChunk-at-a-time.

  • DataChunkIterator is a specific implementation of an AbstractDataChunkIterator that accepts any iterable and assumes that we iterate over the first dimension of the data array. DataChunkIterator also supports buffered read, i.e., multiple values from the input iterator can be combined to a single chunk. This is useful for buffered I/O operations, e.g., to improve performance by accumulating data in memory and writing larger blocks at once.

  • GenericDataChunkIterator is a semi-abstract version of a AbstractDataChunkIterator that automatically handles the selection of buffer regions and resolves communication of compatible chunk regions. Users specify chunk and buffer shapes or sizes and the iterator will manage how to break the data up for write. For further details, see the GenericDataChunkIterator tutorial.

Iterative Data Write: API

On the front end, all a user needs to do is to create or wrap their data in a AbstractDataChunkIterator. The I/O backend (e.g., HDF5IO or NWBHDF5IO) then implements the iterative processing of the data chunk iterators. PyNWB also provides with DataChunkIterator a specific implementation of a data chunk iterator which we can use to wrap common iterable types (e.g., generators, lists, or numpy arrays). For more advanced use cases we then need to implement our own derived class of AbstractDataChunkIterator.


Currently the HDF5 I/O backend of PyNWB (HDF5IO, NWBHDF5IO) processes iterative data writes one-dataset-at-a-time. This means, that while you may have an arbitrary number of iterative data writes, the write is performed in order. In the future we may use a queuing process to enable the simultaneous processing of multiple iterative writes at the same time.


The data write in our examples really does not change. We, therefore, here create a simple helper function first to write a simple NWBFile containing a single timeseries to avoid repetition of the same code and to allow us to focus on the important parts of this tutorial.

from datetime import datetime
from pynwb import NWBHDF5IO, NWBFile, TimeSeries
from uuid import uuid4

def write_test_file(filename, data, close_io=True):

    Simple helper function to write an NWBFile with a single timeseries containing data
    :param filename: String with the name of the output file
    :param data: The data of the timeseries
    :param close_io: Close and destroy the NWBHDF5IO object used for writing (default=True)

    :returns: None if close_io==True otherwise return NWBHDF5IO object used for write

    # Create a test NWBfile
    start_time = datetime(2017, 4, 3, hour=11, minute=30)
    nwbfile = NWBFile(
        session_description="demonstrate iterative write",

    # Create our time series
    test_ts = TimeSeries(

    # Write the data to file
    io = NWBHDF5IO(filename, "w")
    if close_io:
        del io
        io = None
    return io

Example: Write Data from Generators and Streams

Here we use a simple data generator but PyNWB does not make any assumptions about what happens inside the generator. Instead of creating data programmatically, you may hence, e.g., receive data from an acquisition system (or other source). We can use the same approach to write streaming data.

Step 1: Define the data generator

from math import pi, sin
from random import random

import numpy as np

def iter_sin(chunk_length=10, max_chunks=100):
    Generator creating a random number of chunks (but at most max_chunks) of length chunk_length containing
    random samples of sin([0, 2pi]).
    x = 0
    num_chunks = 0
    while x < 0.5 and num_chunks < max_chunks:
        val = np.asarray([sin(random() * 2 * pi) for i in range(chunk_length)])
        x = random()
        num_chunks += 1
        yield val

Step 2: Wrap the generator in a DataChunkIterator

from hdmf.data_utils import DataChunkIterator

data = DataChunkIterator(data=iter_sin(10))

Step 3: Write the data as usual

Here we use our wrapped generator to create the data for a synthetic time series.

write_test_file(filename="basic_iterwrite_example.nwb", data=data)


Note, here we don’t actually know how long our timeseries will be.

    "maxshape=%s, recommended_data_shape=%s, dtype=%s"
    % (str(data.maxshape), str(data.recommended_data_shape()), str(data.dtype))
maxshape=(None, 10), recommended_data_shape=(1, 10), dtype=float64

As we can see DataChunkIterator automatically recommends in its maxshape that the first dimensions of our array should be unlimited (None) and the second dimension should be 10 (i.e., the length of our chunk. Since DataChunkIterator has no way of knowing the minimum size of the array it automatically recommends the size of the first chunk as the minimum size (i.e, (1, 10)) and also infers the data type automatically from the first chunk. To further customize this behavior we may also define the maxshape, dtype, and buffer_size when we create the DataChunkIterator.


We here used DataChunkIterator to conveniently wrap our data stream. DataChunkIterator assumes that our generator yields in consecutive order a single complete element along the first dimension of our array (i.e., iterate over the first axis and yield one-element-at-a-time). This behavior is useful in many practical cases. However, if this strategy does not match our needs, then using GenericDataChunkIterator or implementing your own derived AbstractDataChunkIterator may be more appropriate. We show an example of how to implement your own AbstractDataChunkIterator next. See the GenericDataChunkIterator tutorial as part of the HDMF documentation for details on how to use GenericDataChunkIterator.

Example: Optimizing Sparse Data Array I/O and Storage

Step 1: Create a data chunk iterator for our sparse matrix

from hdmf.data_utils import AbstractDataChunkIterator, DataChunk

class SparseMatrixIterator(AbstractDataChunkIterator):
    def __init__(self, shape, num_chunks, chunk_shape):
        :param shape: 2D tuple with the shape of the matrix
        :param num_chunks: Number of data chunks to be created
        :param chunk_shape: The shape of each chunk to be created
        self.shape, self.num_chunks, self.chunk_shape = shape, num_chunks, chunk_shape
        self.__chunks_created = 0

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        Return in each iteration a fully occupied data chunk of self.chunk_shape values at a random
        location within the matrix. Chunks are non-overlapping. REMEMBER: h5py does not support all
        the fancy indexing that numpy does so we need to make sure our selection can be
        handled by the backend.
        if self.__chunks_created < self.num_chunks:
            data = np.random.rand(
            xmin = (
                np.random.randint(0, int(self.shape[0] / self.chunk_shape[0]), 1)[0]
                * self.chunk_shape[0]
            xmax = xmin + self.chunk_shape[0]
            ymin = (
                np.random.randint(0, int(self.shape[1] / self.chunk_shape[1]), 1)[0]
                * self.chunk_shape[1]
            ymax = ymin + self.chunk_shape[1]
            self.__chunks_created += 1
            return DataChunk(data=data, selection=np.s_[xmin:xmax, ymin:ymax])
            raise StopIteration

    next = __next__

    def recommended_chunk_shape(self):
        # Here we can optionally recommend what a good chunking could be.
        return self.chunk_shape

    def recommended_data_shape(self):
        # We know the full size of the array. In cases where we don't know the full size
        # this should be the minimum size.
        return self.shape

    def dtype(self):
        # The data type of our array
        return np.dtype(float)

    def maxshape(self):
        # We know the full shape of the array. If we don't know the size of a dimension
        # beforehand we can set the dimension to None instead
        return self.shape

Step 2: Instantiate our sparse matrix

# Setting for our random sparse matrix
xsize = 1000000
ysize = 1000000
num_chunks = 1000
chunk_shape = (10, 10)
num_values = num_chunks *

# Create our sparse matrix data.
data = SparseMatrixIterator(
    shape=(xsize, ysize), num_chunks=num_chunks, chunk_shape=chunk_shape

In order to also enable compression and other advanced HDF5 dataset I/O features we can then also wrap our data via H5DataIO.

from hdmf.backends.hdf5.h5_utils import H5DataIO

matrix2 = SparseMatrixIterator(
    shape=(xsize, ysize), num_chunks=num_chunks, chunk_shape=chunk_shape
data2 = H5DataIO(data=matrix2, compression="gzip", compression_opts=4)

We can now also customize the chunking, fill value, and other settings

from hdmf.backends.hdf5.h5_utils import H5DataIO

# Increase the chunk size and add compression
matrix3 = SparseMatrixIterator(
    shape=(xsize, ysize), num_chunks=num_chunks, chunk_shape=chunk_shape
data3 = H5DataIO(data=matrix3, chunks=(100, 100), fillvalue=np.nan)

# Increase the chunk size and add compression
matrix4 = SparseMatrixIterator(
    shape=(xsize, ysize), num_chunks=num_chunks, chunk_shape=chunk_shape
data4 = H5DataIO(
    chunks=(100, 100),

Step 3: Write the data as usual

Here we simply use our SparseMatrixIterator as input for our TimeSeries

write_test_file(filename="basic_sparse_iterwrite_example.nwb", data=data)
write_test_file(filename="basic_sparse_iterwrite_compressed_example.nwb", data=data2)
write_test_file(filename="basic_sparse_iterwrite_largechunks_example.nwb", data=data3)
    filename="basic_sparse_iterwrite_largechunks_compressed_example.nwb", data=data4

Check the results

Now lets check out the size of our data file and compare it against the expected full size of our matrix

import os

expected_size = xsize * ysize * 8  # This is the full size of our matrix in bytes
occupied_size = num_values * 8  # Number of non-zero values in out matrix
file_size = os.stat(
).st_size  # Real size of the file
file_size_compressed = os.stat("basic_sparse_iterwrite_compressed_example.nwb").st_size
file_size_largechunks = os.stat(
file_size_largechunks_compressed = os.stat(
mbfactor = 1000.0 * 1000  # Factor used to convert to MegaBytes

print("1) Sparse Matrix Size:")
print("   Expected Size :  %.2f MB" % (expected_size / mbfactor))
print("   Occupied Size :  %.5f MB" % (occupied_size / mbfactor))
print("2) NWB HDF5 file (no compression):")
print("   File Size     :  %.2f MB" % (file_size / mbfactor))
print("   Reduction     :  %.2f x" % (expected_size / file_size))
print("3) NWB HDF5 file (with GZIP compression):")
print("   File Size     :  %.5f MB" % (file_size_compressed / mbfactor))
print("   Reduction     :  %.2f x" % (expected_size / file_size_compressed))
print("4) NWB HDF5 file (large chunks):")
print("   File Size     :  %.5f MB" % (file_size_largechunks / mbfactor))
print("   Reduction     :  %.2f x" % (expected_size / file_size_largechunks))
print("5) NWB HDF5 file (large chunks with compression):")
print("   File Size     :  %.5f MB" % (file_size_largechunks_compressed / mbfactor))
print("   Reduction     :  %.2f x" % (expected_size / file_size_largechunks_compressed))
1) Sparse Matrix Size:
   Expected Size :  8000000.00 MB
   Occupied Size :  0.80000 MB
2) NWB HDF5 file (no compression):
   File Size     :  1.05 MB
   Reduction     :  7642922.65 x
3) NWB HDF5 file (with GZIP compression):
   File Size     :  1.06058 MB
   Reduction     :  7543056.71 x
4) NWB HDF5 file (large chunks):
   File Size     :  80.24528 MB
   Reduction     :  99694.34 x
5) NWB HDF5 file (large chunks with compression):
   File Size     :  1.31697 MB
   Reduction     :  6074563.75 x


  • 1) vs 2): While the full matrix would have a size of 8TB the HDF5 file is only 0.88MB. This is roughly the same as the real occupied size of 0.8MB. When using chunking, HDF5 does not allocate the full dataset but only allocates chunks that actually contain data. In (2) the size of our chunks align perfectly with the occupied chunks of our sparse matrix, hence, only the minimal amount of storage needs to be allocated. A slight overhead (here 0.08MB) is expected because our file contains also the additional objects from the NWBFile, plus some overhead for managing all the HDF5 metadata for all objects.

  • 3) vs 2): Adding compression does not yield any improvement here. This is expected, because, again we selected the chunking here in a way that we already allocated the minimum amount of storage to represent our data and lossless compression of random data is not efficient.

  • 4) vs 2): When we increase our chunk size to (100,100) (i.e., 100x larger than the chunks produced by our matrix generator) we observe an accordingly roughly 100x increase in file size. This is expected since our chunks now do not align perfectly with the occupied data and each occupied chunk is allocated fully.

  • 5) vs 4): When using compression for the larger chunks we see a significant reduction in file size (1.14MB vs. 80MB). This is because the allocated chunks now contain in addition to the random values large areas of constant fill values, which compress easily.


  • We only need to hold one DataChunk in memory at any given time

  • Only the data chunks in the HDF5 file that contain non-default values are ever being allocated

  • The overall size of our file is reduced significantly

  • Reduced I/O load

  • On read, users can use the array as usual


With great power comes great responsibility ! I/O and storage cost will depend, among other factors, on the chunk size, compression options, and the write pattern, i.e., the number and structure of the DataChunk objects written. For example, using (1,1) chunks and writing them one value at a time would result in poor I/O performance in most practical cases, because of the large number of chunks and large number of small I/O operations required.


A word of caution, while this approach helps optimize storage, the in-memory representation on read is still a dense numpy array. This behavior is convenient for many user interactions with the data but can be problematic with regard to performance/memory when accessing large data subsets.

io = NWBHDF5IO('basic_sparse_iterwrite_example.nwb', 'r')
nwbfile =
data = nwbfile.get_acquisition('synthetic_timeseries').data  # <-- PyNWB does lazy load; no problem
subset = data[10:100, 10:100]                                # <-- Loading a subset is fine too
alldata = data[:]            # <-- !!!! This would load the complete (1000000 x 1000000) array !!!!


As we have seen here, our data chunk iterator may produce chunks in arbitrary order and locations within the array. In the case of the HDF5 I/O backend we need to take care that the selection we yield can be understood by h5py.

Example: Convert large binary data arrays

When converting large data files, a typical problem is that it is often too expensive to load all the data into memory. This example is very similar to the data generator example only that instead of generating data on-the-fly in-memory we are loading data from a file one-chunk-at-a-time in our generator.

Create example data

import numpy as np

# Create the test data
datashape = (100, 10)  # This is not really large, but we just want to show how it works
num_values =
arrdata = np.arange(num_values).reshape(datashape)
# Write the test data to disk
temp = np.memmap(
    "basic_sparse_iterwrite_testdata.npy", dtype="float64", mode="w+", shape=datashape
temp[:] = arrdata
del temp  # Flush to disk

Step 1: Create a generator for our array

Note, we here use a generator for simplicity but we could equally well also implement our own AbstractDataChunkIterator or use GenericDataChunkIterator.

def iter_largearray(filename, shape, dtype="float64"):
    Generator reading [chunk_size, :] elements from our array in each iteration.
    for i in range(shape[0]):
        # Open the file and read the next chunk
        newfp = np.memmap(filename, dtype=dtype, mode="r", shape=shape)
        curr_data = newfp[i : (i + 1), ...][0]
        del newfp  # Reopen the file in each iterator to prevent accumulation of data in memory
        yield curr_data

Step 2: Wrap the generator in a DataChunkIterator

from hdmf.data_utils import DataChunkIterator

data = DataChunkIterator(
        filename="basic_sparse_iterwrite_testdata.npy", shape=datashape
)  # Buffer 10 elements into a chunk, i.e., create chunks of shape (10,10)

Step 3: Write the data as usual

write_test_file(filename="basic_sparse_iterwrite_largearray.nwb", data=data)


Again, if we want to explicitly control how our data will be chunked (compressed etc.) in the HDF5 file then we need to wrap our DataChunkIterator using H5DataIO


Let’s verify that our data was written correctly

# Read the NWB file
from pynwb import NWBHDF5IO  # noqa: F811

with NWBHDF5IO("basic_sparse_iterwrite_largearray.nwb", "r") as io:
    nwbfile =
    data = nwbfile.get_acquisition("synthetic_timeseries").data
    # Compare all the data values of our two arrays
    data_match = np.all(arrdata == data[:])  # Don't do this for very large arrays!
    # Print result message
    if data_match:
        print("Success: All data values match")
        print("ERROR: Mismatch between data")
Success: All data values match

Example: Convert arrays stored in multiple files

In practice, data from recording devices may be distributed across many files, e.g., one file per time range or one file per recording channel. Using iterative data write provides an elegant solution to this problem as it allows us to process large arrays one-subarray-at-a-time. To make things more interesting we’ll show this for the case where each recording channel (i.e., the second dimension of our TimeSeries) is broken up across files.

Create example data

import numpy as np

# Create the test data
num_channels = 10
num_steps = 100
channel_files = [
    "basic_sparse_iterwrite_testdata_channel_%i.npy" % i for i in range(num_channels)
for f in channel_files:
    temp = np.memmap(f, dtype="float64", mode="w+", shape=(num_steps,))
    temp[:] = np.arange(num_steps, dtype="float64")
    del temp  # Flush to disk

Step 1: Create a data chunk iterator for our multifile array

from hdmf.data_utils import AbstractDataChunkIterator, DataChunk  # noqa: F811

class MultiFileArrayIterator(AbstractDataChunkIterator):
    def __init__(self, channel_files, num_steps):
        :param channel_files: List of files with the channels
        :param num_steps: Number of timesteps per channel
        self.shape = (num_steps, len(channel_files))
        self.channel_files = channel_files
        self.num_steps = num_steps
        self.__curr_index = 0

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        Return in each iteration the data from a single file
        if self.__curr_index < len(channel_files):
            newfp = np.memmap(
            curr_data = newfp[:]
            i = self.__curr_index
            self.__curr_index += 1
            del newfp
            return DataChunk(data=curr_data, selection=np.s_[:, i])
            raise StopIteration

    next = __next__

    def recommended_chunk_shape(self):
        return None  # Use autochunking

    def recommended_data_shape(self):
        return self.shape

    def dtype(self):
        return np.dtype("float64")

    def maxshape(self):
        return self.shape

Step 2: Instantiate our multi file iterator

Step 3: Write the data as usual

write_test_file(filename="basic_sparse_iterwrite_multifile.nwb", data=data)


That’s it ;-)


Common mistakes that will result in errors on write:

  • The size of a DataChunk does not match the selection.

  • The selection for the DataChunk is not supported by h5py (e.g., unordered lists etc.)

Other common mistakes:

  • Choosing inappropriate chunk sizes. This typically means bad performance with regard to I/O and/or storage cost.

  • Using auto chunking without supplying a good recommended_data_shape. h5py auto chunking can only make a good guess of what the chunking should be if it (at least roughly) knows what the shape of the array will be.

  • Trying to wrap a data generator using the default DataChunkIterator when the generator does not comply with the assumptions of the default implementation (i.e., yield individual, complete elements along the first dimension of the array one-at-a-time). Depending on the generator, this may or may not result in an error on write, but the array you are generating will probably end up at least not having the intended shape.

  • The shape of the chunks returned by the DataChunkIterator do not match the shape of the chunks of the target HDF5 dataset. This can result in slow I/O performance, for example, when each chunk of an HDF5 dataset needs to be updated multiple times on write. For example, when using compression this would mean that HDF5 may have to read, decompress, update, compress, and write a particular chunk each time it is being updated.

Alternative Approach: User-defined dataset write

In the above cases we used the built-in capabilities of PyNWB to perform iterative data write. To gain more fine-grained control of the write process we can alternatively use PyNWB to setup the full structure of our NWB file and then update select datasets afterwards. This approach is useful, e.g., in context of parallel write and any time we need to optimize write patterns.

Step 1: Initially allocate the data as empty

from hdmf.backends.hdf5.h5_utils import H5DataIO

# Use H5DataIO to specify how to setup the dataset in the file
dataio = H5DataIO(
    shape=(0, 10),  # Initial shape. If the shape is known then set to full shape
    dtype=np.dtype("float"),  # dtype of the dataset
    maxshape=(None, 10),  # Make the time dimension resizable
    chunks=(131072, 2),  # Use 2MB chunks
    compression="gzip",  # Enable GZip compression
    compression_opts=4,  # GZip aggression
    shuffle=True,  # Enable shuffle filter
    fillvalue=np.nan,  # Use NAN as fillvalue

# Write a test NWB file with our dataset and keep the NWB file (i.e., the NWBHDF5IO object) open
io = write_test_file(
    filename="basic_alternative_custom_write.nwb", data=dataio, close_io=False

Step 2: Get the dataset(s) to be updated

# Let's check what the data looks like before we write
    "Before write: Shape= %s, Chunks= %s, Maxshape=%s"
    % (

# Allocate space. Only needed if we didn't set the initial shape large enough
dataio.dataset.resize((8, 10))

# Write 1s in timesteps 0-2
dataio.dataset[0:3, :] = 1

# Write 2s in timesteps 3-5
# NOTE: timesteps 6 and 7 are not being initialized
dataio.dataset[3:6, :] = 2

# Close the file
Before write: Shape= (0, 10), Chunks= (131072, 2), Maxshape=(None, 10)

Check the results

from pynwb import NWBHDF5IO  # noqa

io = NWBHDF5IO("basic_alternative_custom_write.nwb", mode="r")
nwbfile =
dataset = nwbfile.get_acquisition("synthetic_timeseries").data
    "After write: Shape= %s, Chunks= %s, Maxshape=%s"
    % (str(dataset.shape), str(dataset.chunks), str(dataset.maxshape))
After write: Shape= (8, 10), Chunks= (131072, 2), Maxshape=(None, 10)
[[ 1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
 [ 1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
 [ 1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.  1.]
 [ 2.  2.  2.  2.  2.  2.  2.  2.  2.  2.]
 [ 2.  2.  2.  2.  2.  2.  2.  2.  2.  2.]
 [ 2.  2.  2.  2.  2.  2.  2.  2.  2.  2.]
 [nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan]
 [nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan nan]]

We allocated our data to be shape=(8, 10) but we only wrote data to the first 6 rows of the array. As expected, we therefore, see our fillvalue of nan in the last two rows of the data.

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 8.417 seconds)

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