import warnings
from hdmf.utils import docval, popargs, get_docval, get_data_shape
from . import register_class, CORE_NAMESPACE
from .core import MultiContainerInterface
from .misc import IntervalSeries
from .base import TimeSeries
@register_class('SpatialSeries', CORE_NAMESPACE)
class SpatialSeries(TimeSeries):
Direction, e.g., of gaze or travel, or position. The TimeSeries::data field is a 2D array storing
position or direction relative to some reference frame. Array structure: [num measurements]
[num dimensions]. Each SpatialSeries has a text dataset reference_frame that indicates the
zero-position, or the zero-axes for direction. For example, if representing gaze direction,
"straight-ahead" might be a specific pixel on the monitor, or some other point in space. For
position data, the 0,0 point might be the top-left corner of an enclosure, as viewed from the
tracking camera. The unit of data will indicate how to interpret SpatialSeries values.
__nwbfields__ = ('reference_frame',)
@docval(*get_docval(TimeSeries.__init__, 'name'), # required
{'name': 'data', 'type': ('array_data', 'data', TimeSeries), 'shape': ((None, ), (None, None)), # required
'doc': ('The data values. Can be 1D or 2D. The first dimension must be time. If 2D, there can be 1, 2, '
'or 3 columns, which represent x, y, and z.')},
{'name': 'bounds', 'type': list, 'shape': ((1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2)), 'default': None,
'doc': 'The boundary range (min, max) for each dimension of data.'},
{'name': 'reference_frame', 'type': str,
'doc': 'description defining what the zero-position is', 'default': None},
{'name': 'unit', 'type': str, 'doc': 'The base unit of measurement (should be SI unit)',
'default': 'meters'},
*get_docval(TimeSeries.__init__, 'conversion', 'resolution', 'timestamps', 'starting_time', 'rate',
'comments', 'description', 'control', 'control_description', 'offset'))
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Create a SpatialSeries TimeSeries dataset
name, data, bounds, reference_frame, unit = popargs('name', 'data', 'bounds', 'reference_frame', 'unit', kwargs)
super().__init__(name, data, unit, **kwargs)
# NWB 2.5 restricts length of second dimension to be <= 3
allowed_data_shapes = ((None, ), (None, 1), (None, 2), (None, 3))
data_shape = get_data_shape(data)
if not any(self._validate_data_shape(data_shape, a) for a in allowed_data_shapes):
warnings.warn("SpatialSeries '%s' has data shape %s which is not compliant with NWB 2.5 and greater. "
"The second dimension should have length <= 3 to represent at most x, y, z." %
(name, str(data_shape)))
self.bounds = bounds
self.reference_frame = reference_frame
def _validate_data_shape(valshape, argshape):
if not len(valshape) == len(argshape):
return False
for a, b in zip(valshape, argshape):
if b not in (a, None):
return False
return True
@register_class('BehavioralEpochs', CORE_NAMESPACE)
class BehavioralEpochs(MultiContainerInterface):
TimeSeries for storing behavioral epochs. The objective of this and the other two Behavioral
interfaces (e.g. BehavioralEvents and BehavioralTimeSeries) is to provide generic hooks for
software tools/scripts. This allows a tool/script to take the output of one specific interface (e.g.,
UnitTimes) and plot that data relative to another data modality (e.g., behavioral events) without
having to define all possible modalities in advance. Declaring one of these interfaces means that
one or more TimeSeries of the specified type is published. These TimeSeries should reside in a
group having the same name as the interface. For example, if a BehavioralTimeSeries interface
is declared, the module will have one or more TimeSeries defined in the module sub-group
"BehavioralTimeSeries". BehavioralEpochs should use IntervalSeries. BehavioralEvents is used
for irregular events. BehavioralTimeSeries is for continuous data.
__clsconf__ = {
'add': 'add_interval_series',
'get': 'get_interval_series',
'create': 'create_interval_series',
'type': IntervalSeries,
'attr': 'interval_series'
@register_class('BehavioralEvents', CORE_NAMESPACE)
class BehavioralEvents(MultiContainerInterface):
TimeSeries for storing behavioral events. See description of BehavioralEpochs for more details.
__clsconf__ = {
'add': 'add_timeseries',
'get': 'get_timeseries',
'create': 'create_timeseries',
'type': TimeSeries,
'attr': 'time_series'
@register_class('BehavioralTimeSeries', CORE_NAMESPACE)
class BehavioralTimeSeries(MultiContainerInterface):
TimeSeries for storing Behavioral time series data. See description of BehavioralEpochs for
more details.
__clsconf__ = {
'add': 'add_timeseries',
'get': 'get_timeseries',
'create': 'create_timeseries',
'type': TimeSeries,
'attr': 'time_series'
@register_class('PupilTracking', CORE_NAMESPACE)
class PupilTracking(MultiContainerInterface):
Eye-tracking data, representing pupil size.
__clsconf__ = {
'add': 'add_timeseries',
'get': 'get_timeseries',
'create': 'create_timeseries',
'type': TimeSeries,
'attr': 'time_series'
@register_class('EyeTracking', CORE_NAMESPACE)
class EyeTracking(MultiContainerInterface):
Eye-tracking data, representing direction of gaze.
__clsconf__ = {
'add': 'add_spatial_series',
'get': 'get_spatial_series',
'create': 'create_spatial_series',
'type': SpatialSeries,
'attr': 'spatial_series'
@register_class('CompassDirection', CORE_NAMESPACE)
class CompassDirection(MultiContainerInterface):
With a CompassDirection interface, a module publishes a SpatialSeries object representing a
floating point value for theta. The SpatialSeries::reference_frame field should indicate what
direction corresponds to 0 and which is the direction of rotation (this should be clockwise). The
si_unit for the SpatialSeries should be radians or degrees.
__clsconf__ = {
'add': 'add_spatial_series',
'get': 'get_spatial_series',
'create': 'create_spatial_series',
'type': SpatialSeries,
'attr': 'spatial_series'
@register_class('Position', CORE_NAMESPACE)
class Position(MultiContainerInterface):
Position data, whether along the x, x/y or x/y/z axis.
__clsconf__ = {
'add': 'add_spatial_series',
'get': 'get_spatial_series',
'create': 'create_spatial_series',
'type': SpatialSeries,
'attr': 'spatial_series'