from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
from hdmf import Container, Data
from hdmf.container import AbstractContainer, MultiContainerInterface as hdmf_MultiContainerInterface, Table
from hdmf.common import DynamicTable, DynamicTableRegion # noqa: F401
from hdmf.common import VectorData, VectorIndex, ElementIdentifiers # noqa: F401
from hdmf.utils import docval, popargs
from hdmf.utils import LabelledDict # noqa: F401
from . import CORE_NAMESPACE, register_class
from pynwb import get_type_map
def _not_parent(arg):
return arg['name'] != 'parent'
def prepend_string(string, prepend=' '):
return prepend + prepend.join(string.splitlines(True))
class NWBMixin(AbstractContainer):
_data_type_attr = 'neurodata_type'
@docval({'name': 'neurodata_type', 'type': str, 'doc': 'the data_type to search for', 'default': None})
def get_ancestor(self, **kwargs):
Traverse parent hierarchy and return first instance of the specified data_type
neurodata_type = kwargs['neurodata_type']
return super().get_ancestor(data_type=neurodata_type)
def _error_on_new_warn_on_construct(self, error_msg: str):
Raise an error when a check is violated on instance creation.
To ensure backwards compatibility, this method throws a warning
instead of raising an error when reading from a file, ensuring that
files with invalid data can be read. If error_msg is set to None
the function will simply return without further action.
if error_msg is None:
if not self._in_construct_mode:
raise ValueError(error_msg)
def _get_type_map(self):
return get_type_map()
def data_type(self):
Return the spec data type associated with this container, i.e., the neurodata_type.
# we need this function here to use the correct _data_type_attr.
_type = getattr(self, self._data_type_attr)
return _type
@register_class('NWBContainer', CORE_NAMESPACE)
class NWBContainer(NWBMixin, Container):
_fieldsname = '__nwbfields__'
__nwbfields__ = tuple()
@register_class('NWBDataInterface', CORE_NAMESPACE)
class NWBDataInterface(NWBContainer):
@register_class('NWBData', CORE_NAMESPACE)
class NWBData(NWBMixin, Data):
@docval({'name': 'name', 'type': str, 'doc': 'the name of this container'},
{'name': 'data', 'type': ('scalar_data', 'array_data', 'data', Data), 'doc': 'the source of the data'})
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.__data = kwargs['data']
def data(self):
return self.__data
def __len__(self):
return len(self.__data)
def __getitem__(self, args):
if isinstance(, (tuple, list)) and isinstance(args, (tuple, list)):
return [[i] for i in args]
def append(self, arg):
if isinstance(, list):
elif isinstance(, np.ndarray):
self.__data = np.concatenate((self.__data, [arg]))
msg = "NWBData cannot append to object of type '%s'" % type(self.__data)
raise ValueError(msg)
def extend(self, arg):
if isinstance(, list):
elif isinstance(, np.ndarray):
self.__data = np.concatenate((self.__data, arg))
msg = "NWBData cannot extend object of type '%s'" % type(self.__data)
raise ValueError(msg)
@register_class('ScratchData', CORE_NAMESPACE)
class ScratchData(NWBData):
__nwbfields__ = ('description', )
@docval({'name': 'name', 'type': str, 'doc': 'the name of this container'},
{'name': 'data', 'type': ('scalar_data', 'array_data', 'data', Data), 'doc': 'the source of the data'},
{'name': 'notes', 'type': str,
'doc': 'notes about the data. This argument will be deprecated. Use description instead', 'default': ''},
{'name': 'description', 'type': str, 'doc': 'notes about the data', 'default': None})
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
notes, description = popargs('notes', 'description', kwargs)
if notes != '':
warn('The `notes` argument of ScratchData.__init__ will be deprecated. Use description instead.',
if notes != '' and description != '':
raise ValueError('Cannot provide both notes and description to ScratchData.__init__. The description '
'argument is recommended.')
description = notes
if not description:
warn('ScratchData.description will be required in a future major release of PyNWB.',
self.description = description
def notes(self):
warn('Use of ScratchData.notes will be deprecated. Use ScratchData.description instead.',
return self.description
def notes(self, value):
warn('Use of ScratchData.notes will be deprecated. Use ScratchData.description instead.',
self.description = value
class NWBTable(Table):
"""Defined in PyNWB for API backward compatibility. See HDMF Table for details."""
class MultiContainerInterface(NWBDataInterface, hdmf_MultiContainerInterface):
"""Defined in PyNWB for API backward compatibility. See HDMF MultiContainterInterface for details."""