pynwb.testing.icephys_testutils module
Module with helper functions to facilitate testing
- pynwb.testing.icephys_testutils.create_icephys_stimulus_and_response(sweep_number, electrode, randomize_data)[source]
Internal helper function to construct a dummy stimulus and response pair representing an intracellular recording:
- Parameters:
sweep_number (int) – Integer sweep number of the recording
electrode (pynwb.icephys.IntracellularElectrode) – Intracellular electrode used
randomize_data (bool) – Randomize data values in the stimulus and response
- Returns:
Tuple of VoltageClampStimulusSeries with the stimulus and VoltageClampSeries with the response.
- pynwb.testing.icephys_testutils.create_icephys_testfile(filename=None, add_custom_columns=True, randomize_data=True, with_missing_stimulus=True)[source]
Create a small but relatively complex icephys test file that we can use for testing of queries.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
NWBFile object with icephys data created for writing. NOTE: If filename is provided then the file is written to disk, but the function does not read the file back. If you want to use the file from disk then you will need to read it with NWBHDF5IO.
- Return type: