from import Iterable
import numpy as np
import warnings
from hdmf.common import DynamicTable, DynamicTableRegion
from hdmf.utils import docval, popargs, get_docval, get_data_shape, popargs_to_dict
from . import register_class, CORE_NAMESPACE
from .base import TimeSeries
from .image import ImageSeries
from .core import NWBContainer, MultiContainerInterface, NWBDataInterface
from .device import Device
@register_class('OpticalChannel', CORE_NAMESPACE)
class OpticalChannel(NWBContainer):
"""An optical channel used to record from an imaging plane."""
__nwbfields__ = ('description',
@docval({'name': 'name', 'type': str, 'doc': 'the name of this electrode'}, # required
{'name': 'description', 'type': str, 'doc': 'Any notes or comments about the channel.'}, # required
{'name': 'emission_lambda', 'type': float, 'doc': 'Emission wavelength for channel, in nm.'}) # required
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
description, emission_lambda = popargs("description", "emission_lambda", kwargs)
self.description = description
self.emission_lambda = emission_lambda
@register_class('ImagingPlane', CORE_NAMESPACE)
class ImagingPlane(NWBContainer):
"""An imaging plane and its metadata."""
__nwbfields__ = ({'name': 'optical_channel', 'child': True},
@docval(*get_docval(NWBContainer.__init__, 'name'), # required
{'name': 'optical_channel', 'type': (list, OpticalChannel), # required
'doc': 'One of possibly many groups storing channel-specific data.'},
{'name': 'description', 'type': str, 'doc': 'Description of this ImagingPlane.'}, # required
{'name': 'device', 'type': Device, 'doc': 'the device that was used to record'}, # required
{'name': 'excitation_lambda', 'type': float, 'doc': 'Excitation wavelength in nm.'}, # required
{'name': 'indicator', 'type': str, 'doc': 'Calcium indicator'}, # required
{'name': 'location', 'type': str, 'doc': 'Location of image plane.'}, # required
{'name': 'imaging_rate', 'type': float,
'doc': 'Rate images are acquired, in Hz. If the corresponding TimeSeries is present, the rate should be '
'stored there instead.', 'default': None},
{'name': 'manifold', 'type': 'array_data',
'doc': ('DEPRECATED - Physical position of each pixel. size=("height", "width", "xyz"). '
'Deprecated in favor of origin_coords and grid_spacing.'),
'default': None},
{'name': 'conversion', 'type': float,
'doc': ('DEPRECATED - Multiplier to get from stored values to specified unit (e.g., 1e-3 for millimeters) '
'Deprecated in favor of origin_coords and grid_spacing.'),
'default': 1.0},
{'name': 'unit', 'type': str,
'doc': 'DEPRECATED - Base unit that coordinates are stored in (e.g., Meters). '
'Deprecated in favor of origin_coords_unit and grid_spacing_unit.',
'default': 'meters'},
{'name': 'reference_frame', 'type': str,
'doc': 'Describes position and reference frame of manifold based on position of first element '
'in manifold.',
'default': None},
{'name': 'origin_coords', 'type': 'array_data',
'doc': 'Physical location of the first element of the imaging plane (0, 0) for 2-D data or (0, 0, 0) for '
'3-D data. See also reference_frame for what the physical location is relative to (e.g., bregma).',
'default': None},
{'name': 'origin_coords_unit', 'type': str,
'doc': "Measurement units for origin_coords. The default value is 'meters'.",
'default': 'meters'},
{'name': 'grid_spacing', 'type': 'array_data',
'doc': "Space between pixels in (x, y) or voxels in (x, y, z) directions, in the specified unit. Assumes "
"imaging plane is a regular grid. See also reference_frame to interpret the grid.",
'default': None},
{'name': 'grid_spacing_unit', 'type': str,
'doc': "Measurement units for grid_spacing. The default value is 'meters'.",
'default': 'meters'})
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
keys_to_set = ('optical_channel',
args_to_set = popargs_to_dict(keys_to_set, kwargs)
if not isinstance(args_to_set['optical_channel'], list):
args_to_set['optical_channel'] = [args_to_set['optical_channel']]
if args_to_set['manifold'] is not None:
warnings.warn("The 'manifold' argument is deprecated in favor of 'origin_coords' and 'grid_spacing'.",
if args_to_set['conversion'] != 1.0:
warnings.warn("The 'conversion' argument is deprecated in favor of 'origin_coords' and 'grid_spacing'.",
if args_to_set['unit'] != 'meters':
warnings.warn("The 'unit' argument is deprecated in favor of 'origin_coords_unit' and 'grid_spacing_unit'.",
for key, val in args_to_set.items():
setattr(self, key, val)
@register_class("OnePhotonSeries", CORE_NAMESPACE)
class OnePhotonSeries(ImageSeries):
"""Image stack recorded over time from 1-photon microscope."""
__nwbfields__ = (
"imaging_plane", "pmt_gain", "scan_line_rate", "exposure_time", "binning", "power", "intensity"
*get_docval(ImageSeries.__init__, "name"), # required
{"name": "imaging_plane", "type": ImagingPlane, "doc": "Imaging plane class/pointer."}, # required
*get_docval(ImageSeries.__init__, "data", "unit", "format"),
{"name": "pmt_gain", "type": float, "doc": "Photomultiplier gain.", "default": None},
"name": "scan_line_rate",
"type": float,
"doc": (
"Lines imaged per second. This is also stored in /general/optophysiology but is kept "
"here as it is useful information for analysis, and so good to be stored w/ the actual data."
"default": None,
"name": "exposure_time",
"type": float,
"doc": "Exposure time of the sample; often the inverse of the frequency.",
"default": None,
"name": "binning",
"type": (int, "uint"),
"doc": "Amount of pixels combined into 'bins'; could be 1, 2, 4, 8, etc.",
"default": None,
"name": "power",
"type": float,
"doc": "Power of the excitation in mW, if known.",
"default": None,
"name": "intensity",
"type": float,
"doc": "Intensity of the excitation in mW/mm^2, if known.",
"default": None,
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
keys_to_set = (
"imaging_plane", "pmt_gain", "scan_line_rate", "exposure_time", "binning", "power", "intensity"
args_to_set = popargs_to_dict(keys_to_set, kwargs)
if args_to_set["binning"] is not None and args_to_set["binning"] < 0:
raise ValueError(f"Binning value must be >= 0: {args_to_set['binning']}")
if isinstance(args_to_set["binning"], int):
args_to_set["binning"] = np.uint(args_to_set["binning"])
for key, val in args_to_set.items():
setattr(self, key, val)
@register_class('TwoPhotonSeries', CORE_NAMESPACE)
class TwoPhotonSeries(ImageSeries):
"""Image stack recorded over time from 2-photon microscope."""
__nwbfields__ = ('field_of_view',
@docval(*get_docval(ImageSeries.__init__, 'name'), # required
{'name': 'imaging_plane', 'type': ImagingPlane, 'doc': 'Imaging plane class/pointer.'}, # required
*get_docval(ImageSeries.__init__, 'data', 'unit', 'format'),
{'name': 'field_of_view', 'type': (Iterable, TimeSeries), 'shape': ((2, ), (3, )),
'doc': 'Width, height and depth of image, or imaged area (meters).', 'default': None},
{'name': 'pmt_gain', 'type': float, 'doc': 'Photomultiplier gain.', 'default': None},
{'name': 'scan_line_rate', 'type': float,
'doc': 'Lines imaged per second. This is also stored in /general/optophysiology but is kept '
'here as it is useful information for analysis, and so good to be stored w/ the actual data.',
'default': None},
*get_docval(ImageSeries.__init__, 'external_file', 'starting_frame', 'bits_per_pixel',
'dimension', 'resolution', 'conversion', 'timestamps', 'starting_time', 'rate',
'comments', 'description', 'control', 'control_description', 'device', 'offset'))
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
keys_to_set = ("field_of_view",
args_to_set = popargs_to_dict(keys_to_set, kwargs)
for key, val in args_to_set.items():
setattr(self, key, val)
@register_class('CorrectedImageStack', CORE_NAMESPACE)
class CorrectedImageStack(NWBDataInterface):
An image stack where all frames are shifted (registered) to a common coordinate system, to
account for movement and drift between frames. Note: each frame at each point in time is
assumed to be 2-D (has only x & y dimensions).
__nwbfields__ = ({'name': 'corrected', 'child': True, 'required_name': 'corrected'},
{'name': 'xy_translation', 'child': True, 'required_name': 'xy_translation'},
@docval({'name': 'name', 'type': str,
'doc': 'The name of this CorrectedImageStack container', 'default': 'CorrectedImageStack'},
{'name': 'corrected', 'type': ImageSeries,
'doc': 'Image stack with frames shifted to the common coordinates. This must have the name "corrected".'},
{'name': 'original', 'type': ImageSeries,
'doc': 'Link to image series that is being registered.'},
{'name': 'xy_translation', 'type': TimeSeries,
'doc': 'Stores the x,y delta necessary to align each frame to the common coordinates, '
'for example, to align each frame to a reference image. This must have the name "xy_translation".'})
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
corrected, original, xy_translation = popargs('corrected', 'original', 'xy_translation', kwargs)
self.corrected = corrected
self.original = original
self.xy_translation = xy_translation
@register_class('MotionCorrection', CORE_NAMESPACE)
class MotionCorrection(MultiContainerInterface):
A collection of corrected images stacks.
__clsconf__ = {
'add': 'add_corrected_image_stack',
'get': 'get_corrected_image_stack',
'create': 'create_corrected_image_stack',
'type': CorrectedImageStack,
'attr': 'corrected_image_stacks'
@register_class('PlaneSegmentation', CORE_NAMESPACE)
class PlaneSegmentation(DynamicTable):
Stores pixels in an image that represent different regions of interest (ROIs)
or masks. All segmentation for a given imaging plane is stored together, with
storage for multiple imaging planes (masks) supported. Each ROI is stored in its
own subgroup, with the ROI group containing both a 2D mask and a list of pixels
that make up this mask. Segments can also be used for masking neuropil. If segmentation
is allowed to change with time, a new imaging plane (or module) is required and
ROI names should remain consistent between them.
__fields__ = ('imaging_plane',
{'name': 'reference_images', 'child': True})
__columns__ = (
{'name': 'image_mask', 'description': 'Image masks for each ROI'},
{'name': 'pixel_mask', 'description': 'Pixel masks for each ROI', 'index': True},
{'name': 'voxel_mask', 'description': 'Voxel masks for each ROI', 'index': True}
@docval({'name': 'description', 'type': str, # required
'doc': 'Description of image plane, recording wavelength, depth, etc.'},
{'name': 'imaging_plane', 'type': ImagingPlane, # required
'doc': 'the ImagingPlane this ROI applies to'},
{'name': 'name', 'type': str, 'doc': 'name of PlaneSegmentation.', 'default': None},
{'name': 'reference_images', 'type': (ImageSeries, list, dict, tuple), 'default': None,
'doc': 'One or more image stacks that the masks apply to (can be oneelement stack).'},
*get_docval(DynamicTable.__init__, 'id', 'columns', 'colnames'))
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
imaging_plane, reference_images = popargs('imaging_plane', 'reference_images', kwargs)
if kwargs['name'] is None:
kwargs['name'] =
self.imaging_plane = imaging_plane
if isinstance(reference_images, ImageSeries):
reference_images = (reference_images,)
self.reference_images = reference_images
@docval({'name': 'pixel_mask', 'type': 'array_data', 'default': None,
'doc': 'pixel mask for 2D ROIs: [(x1, y1, weight1), (x2, y2, weight2), ...]',
'shape': (None, 3)},
{'name': 'voxel_mask', 'type': 'array_data', 'default': None,
'doc': 'voxel mask for 3D ROIs: [(x1, y1, z1, weight1), (x2, y2, z2, weight2), ...]',
'shape': (None, 4)},
{'name': 'image_mask', 'type': 'array_data', 'default': None,
'doc': 'image with the same size of image where positive values mark this ROI',
'shape': [[None]*2, [None]*3]},
{'name': 'id', 'type': int, 'doc': 'the ID for the ROI', 'default': None},
def add_roi(self, **kwargs):
"""Add a Region Of Interest (ROI) data to this"""
pixel_mask, voxel_mask, image_mask = popargs('pixel_mask', 'voxel_mask', 'image_mask', kwargs)
if image_mask is None and pixel_mask is None and voxel_mask is None:
raise ValueError("Must provide 'image_mask' and/or 'pixel_mask'")
rkwargs = dict(kwargs)
if image_mask is not None:
rkwargs['image_mask'] = image_mask
if pixel_mask is not None:
rkwargs['pixel_mask'] = pixel_mask
if voxel_mask is not None:
rkwargs['voxel_mask'] = voxel_mask
return super().add_row(**rkwargs)
def pixel_to_image(pixel_mask):
"""Converts a 2D pixel_mask of a ROI into an image_mask."""
image_matrix = np.zeros(np.shape(pixel_mask))
npmask = np.asarray(pixel_mask)
x_coords = npmask[:, 0].astype(np.int32)
y_coords = npmask[:, 1].astype(np.int32)
weights = npmask[:, -1]
image_matrix[y_coords, x_coords] = weights
return image_matrix
def image_to_pixel(image_mask):
"""Converts an image_mask of a ROI into a pixel_mask"""
pixel_mask = []
it = np.nditer(image_mask, flags=['multi_index'])
while not it.finished:
weight = it[0][()]
if weight > 0:
x = it.multi_index[0]
y = it.multi_index[1]
pixel_mask.append([x, y, weight])
return pixel_mask
@docval({'name': 'description', 'type': str, 'doc': 'a brief description of what the region is'},
{'name': 'region', 'type': (slice, list, tuple), 'doc': 'the indices of the table', 'default': slice(None)},
{'name': 'name', 'type': str, 'doc': 'the name of the ROITableRegion', 'default': 'rois'})
def create_roi_table_region(self, **kwargs):
return self.create_region(**kwargs)
@register_class('ImageSegmentation', CORE_NAMESPACE)
class ImageSegmentation(MultiContainerInterface):
Stores pixels in an image that represent different regions of interest (ROIs) or masks. All
segmentation for a given imaging plane is stored together, with storage for multiple imaging
planes (masks) supported. Each ROI is stored in its own subgroup, with the ROI group
containing both a 2D mask and a list of pixels that make up this mask. Segments can also be
used for masking neuropil. If segmentation is allowed to change with time, a new imaging plane
(or module) is required and ROI names should remain consistent between them.
__clsconf__ = {
'attr': 'plane_segmentations',
'type': PlaneSegmentation,
'add': 'add_plane_segmentation',
'get': 'get_plane_segmentation',
'create': 'create_plane_segmentation'
@docval({'name': 'imaging_plane', 'type': ImagingPlane, 'doc': 'the ImagingPlane this ROI applies to'},
{'name': 'description', 'type': str,
'doc': 'Description of image plane, recording wavelength, depth, etc.', 'default': None},
{'name': 'name', 'type': str, 'doc': 'name of PlaneSegmentation.', 'default': None})
def add_segmentation(self, **kwargs):
kwargs.setdefault('description', kwargs['imaging_plane'].description)
return self.create_plane_segmentation(**kwargs)
@register_class('RoiResponseSeries', CORE_NAMESPACE)
class RoiResponseSeries(TimeSeries):
ROI responses over an imaging plane. Each column in data should correspond to
the signal from one ROI.
__nwbfields__ = ({'name': 'rois', 'child': True},)
@docval(*get_docval(TimeSeries.__init__, 'name'), # required
{'name': 'data', 'type': ('array_data', 'data', TimeSeries), # required
'shape': ((None, ), (None, None)),
'doc': ('The data values. May be 1D or 2D. The first dimension must be time. The optional second '
'dimension represents ROIs')},
*get_docval(TimeSeries.__init__, 'unit'),
{'name': 'rois', 'type': DynamicTableRegion, # required
'doc': 'a table region corresponding to the ROIs that were used to generate this data'},
*get_docval(TimeSeries.__init__, 'resolution', 'conversion', 'timestamps', 'starting_time', 'rate',
'comments', 'description', 'control', 'control_description', 'offset'))
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
rois = popargs('rois', kwargs)
data_shape = get_data_shape(data=kwargs["data"], strict_no_data_load=True)
rois_shape = get_data_shape(, strict_no_data_load=True)
if (
data_shape is not None and rois_shape is not None
# check that data is 2d and rois is 1d
and len(data_shape) == 2 and len(rois_shape) == 1
# check that key dimensions are known
and data_shape[1] is not None and rois_shape[0] is not None
and data_shape[1] != rois_shape[0]
if data_shape[0] == rois_shape[0]:
warnings.warn("%s '%s': The second dimension of data does not match the length of rois, "
"but instead the first does. Data is oriented incorrectly and should be transposed."
% (self.__class__.__name__, kwargs["name"]))
warnings.warn("%s '%s': The second dimension of data does not match the length of rois. "
"Your data may be transposed." % (self.__class__.__name__, kwargs["name"]))
self.rois = rois
@register_class('DfOverF', CORE_NAMESPACE)
class DfOverF(MultiContainerInterface):
dF/F information about a region of interest (ROI). Storage hierarchy of dF/F should be the same
as for segmentation (ie, same names for ROIs and for image planes).
__clsconf__ = {
'attr': 'roi_response_series',
'type': RoiResponseSeries,
'add': 'add_roi_response_series',
'get': 'get_roi_response_series',
'create': 'create_roi_response_series'
@register_class('Fluorescence', CORE_NAMESPACE)
class Fluorescence(MultiContainerInterface):
Fluorescence information about a region of interest (ROI). Storage hierarchy of fluorescence
should be the same as for segmentation (ie, same names for ROIs and for image planes).
__clsconf__ = {
'attr': 'roi_response_series',
'type': RoiResponseSeries,
'add': 'add_roi_response_series',
'get': 'get_roi_response_series',
'create': 'create_roi_response_series'