How to Update Requirements Files
The different requirements files introduced in Software Process section are the following:
requirements.txt of the project can be created or updated and then captured using the following script:
mkvirtualenv pynwb-requirements
cd pynwb
pip install .
pip check # check for package conflicts
pip freeze > requirements.txt
rmvirtualenv pynwb-requirements
Any of these requirements files can be updated using the following scripts:
cd pynwb
# Set the requirements file to update: requirements-dev.txt or requirements-doc.txt
mkvirtualenv pynwb-requirements
# Install updated requirements
pip install -U -r $target_requirements
# If relevant, you could pip install new requirements now
# pip install -U <name-of-new-requirement>
# Check for any conflicts in installed packages
pip check
# Update list of pinned requirements
pip freeze > $target_requirements
rmvirtualenv pynwb-requirements
Minimum requirements should be updated manually if a new feature or bug fix is added in a dependency that is required for proper running of PyNWB. Minimum requirements should also be updated if a user requests that PyNWB be installable with an older version of a dependency, all tests pass using the older version, and there is no valid reason for the minimum version to be as high as it is.